Testimonials - 2023 Delhi Fire Levy
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Hear what Delhi’s Citizens Have to Say:

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“I have been having issues with food not going down my esophagus for quite some time. This day was different, as I tested a piece of steak to see if it was cooked properly and it did not go down for half and hour. They checked me out, talked to me, comforted me and said I should indeed be transported to the hospital! The EMT who was in the back of the ambulance with me was awesome!! He talked with me, not at me and reassured me that I should not be embarrassed about my situation. After my arrival they asked if I was okay and wished me well!! Amazing! Not a very dramatic “rescue” but a moment in my life that was made much easier to deal with, due to our amazing Delhi Fire Department!!”

Kim Breitenbach – Ivyhill Drive

“I want to personally thank you guys for rushing my daughter to Cincinnati Children’s hospital in what was one of the scariest days of our life. My 2 month old choked on her reflux, and stopped breathing. My mother in law performed CPR until the paramedics got there and rushed her to the hospital. My baby came home from the hospital and is doing well now. Your professionalism and sincerity was out of this world, and you gave the best care to my daughter. Thank you for all you do for the community, and I will support the Delhi Fire and Police department forever. My wife and I are forever grateful.”

Eric Baker – Happy Drive

“I have utilized the Delhi Fire/Paremedic units twice since living in Delhi and both times were severe emergencies that needed quick response time. I was never so happy to have such amazing people surrounding those I love in a time of crucial need.”

Sherrie Kleinholz – Beechmeadow Lane

“I have been a Delhi resident since 1965. I have had the unfortunate need to use our paramedic service. Caring Professional and Responsible are some of the words that come to mind to describe our paramedics. I have watched OUR fire department make adjustments to our growth and our needs while controlling their costs. I urge our residents to vote for this small levy request on November 6. Join me in voting FOR OUR paramedic and firefighters.”

Jack Ryan – Victory View Lane

Past President of Delhi Civic Association and Past Board Member of the Delhi Business Association

“Delhi Fire Department, your friends at Kraft Electrical Contracting would like to thank you for helping make our community a great place to live and work.”

Kraft Electrical Contracting – Hillside Avenue

“I just wanted to thank the fire department for your concern and all your help with the chemical spill that made the whole house smell so badly. I thank god that I am fine. You guys are great and we should be thanking you more often. I have always supported and voted for you, and I will continue to do so. Thanks again.”

Mary Licata – Alomar Drive

“I just want to thank the two firemen who stopped to assist my husband in McSwain’s parking lot. They stopped to see if he needed help. One of them took his blood pressure and the other went across the street to retrieve his walker from my car. They made sure he made it into the bakery and was seated before they left. They treated him with kindness and dignity and I’ll be forever grateful to them.”

Wilma Busken – Glenway Avenue

“Our Delhi Fire Department’s Paramedics have taken members of our family to the hospital for different serious medical conditions. The paramedics were fantastic! They were kind, caring, and professional. We are fortunate to have these men and women and it is comforting to know that when you dial 9-1-1 it seems they are pulling up when you hang up the telephone. After watching them work, I decided to take the Delhi Citizens Fire Academy class. It was amazing to see how much training they go through to keep us safe from fire and provide us with first class medical care.”

Sharon Reynolds – Glen Oaks Drive