If you are interested in showing your support with a sign in your yard, follow the link below to request a sign. By requesting a sign and giving us your address we’ll deliver it to your yard.
If you are interested in helping, great! This can be as a volunteer, a financial donation, or any other number of ways. We have a lot to do in a short amount of time and can use any help we can get. Follow the link below to our donations page.
We also have a Facebook page to help spread the word. Come visit us there, where we will also be posting updates. The link below will take you straight to our page.
Below is a list of what’s coming up next for the Delhi Fire Levy.
Check back soon to see what’s next:
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I have been having issues with food not going down my esophagus for quite some time. This day was different, as I tested a piece of steak to see if it was cooked properly and it did not go down for half and hour. They checked me out, talked to me, comforted me and said I should indeed be transported to the hospital! The EMT who was in the back of the ambulance with me was awesome!! He talked with me, not at me and reassured me that I should not be embarrassed about my situation. After my arrival they asked if I was okay and wished me well!! Amazing! Not a very dramatic "rescue" but a moment in my life that was made much easier to deal with, due to our amazing Delhi Fire Department!!
Kim Breitenbach - Ivyhill Drive
I have utilized the Delhi Fire/Paremedic units twice since living in Delhi and both times were severe emergencies that needed quick response time. I was never so happy to have such amazing people surrounding those I love in a time of crucial need.
Sherrie Kleinholz – Beechmeadow Lane
Delhi Fire Department, your friends at Kraft Electrical Contracting would like to thank you for helping make our community a great place to live and work.
Kraft Electrical Contracting – Hillside Avenue
I just wanted to thank the fire department for your concern and all your help with the chemical spill that made the whole house smell so badly. I thank god that I am fine. You guys are great and we should be thanking you more often. I have always supported and voted for you, and I will continue to do so. Thanks again.
Mary Licata – Alomar Drive